eMotion Instructions

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Running eMotion

IMPORTANT: Always have the eMotion Server running whenever the eMotion Client is running. Close eMotion Client before closing eMotion Server.

Server (Windows Machine)

Follow the Installation and Setup instructions. If you already have the eMotionServer running, from the setup section, skip to the client section. Double click the eMotionServer.bat file in the eMotion directory on the windows machine. This will run the eMotion server. A window will pop up with the dialog "eMotion Server Running!!!" with a "Change Music Directory" button.

Since you already set up your music directory in the Setup section you do not need to change your music directory. If you moved your music directory or renamed it, "Change Music Directory" button will allow you to select the new directory location or name.

Client (Zaurus PDA)

Running eMotion on the Zaurus

Select the Games tab and click the eMotion icon on your Zaurus PDA, to run the eMotion client.

RUNNING eMotion client side on a PC:
Windows-Run the batch (eMotionClient.bat) in the eMotionClient folder.
Linux- Run the script file (eMotionClient.sh) in the eMotionClient folder.

You should see the eMotion logo appear then a window with the "How Do You Feel?" dialog appear.

Otherwise, a window asking you to change server options will prompt you. This window means that there is a bad connection between your Zaurus and your windows machine. You can change server options on your Zaurus by selecting "YES."

WARNING: Selecting yes will remove eMotions logs of each mood to a Genre.

Selecting "NO" will close eMotion and not change any settings. Check your network connection and check to see if the eMotion server is running on your windows machine. Then restart eMotion on your Zaurus.

Choosing a Mood

There are 4 groups of moods: Good, Bad, Tempo, and Misc. Good, Bad and Tempo each have 4 predefined moods to selected from. Misc. allows you to create your own mood. By choosing a predefined mood or your own mood from the Misc. group will send you to the Genre section. After several uses, eMotion will automatically play a genre when you choose a mood.

Add/Deleting moods

To create a new mood, click on the "Misc" button in the main window. The Misc. menu allows you to add personal moods. To add a mood click the "Add Mood" button. A new dialog window will pop up, asking you to input a new mood. Type in your mood name in the text field and click "OK." You will be returned to the Misc window and the mood you added will appear in the Misc mood list.

To delete a mood, click the "Delete Mood" button in the Misc menu. A new dialog window will pop up asking you to select a mood to delete. Select the mood you want to delect and click the "Confirm" button. The Misc. window will appear after your confirmation and your mood will be removed from the list.

Choosing a Genre for a Specific Mood

Once you have chosen a mood, you will be sent to the Genre section. Here you will see a window prompting you to choose a genre to play. A pull down box is also displayed, containing all the directories in from your shared music directory. Choose a genre and select the "OK" button. eMotion will tag the genre you have selected with the mood you have previously selected.

Note: It is helpful to organize your music by genres on your shared music directory. Example: Put all your Rock music in a directory called Rock, within your shared music directory. That way, it will be easier for you to identify what type of music to play from the genre list.

Important: Files that are not in any sub-directories of your shared music file will NOT show up on the genre.list. Make sure to place all files into sub-directories within the shared music folder.

Controlling the Music

Once you have chosen a specific genre or music file(s) to play, the eMotion music controller will appear along with the title of the song that is playing. The controller allows you to play, pause, stop, forward, rewind, volume control, shuffle and repeat toggle. The "Title" button will update the song title if you change any of the playback with winamp locally on your windows machine. The song titles will automatically update when a new song has begun so the "Title" button is not necessary unless you make changes to winamp locally.

Note: If you toggle repeat or shuffle on winamp not from the music controller, the changes will NOT show up on the music controller. Make sure to control all playback features from the eMotion music controller, not locally on winamp.

Playing Specific Music Files

eMotion will also allow you to play specific music files. Select the "Choose Music" option from the pull down box at the top of screen and select the "OK" button adjacent to it. A new window will appear displaying a list of files and directories within your shared music directory. To enter a directory double click the directory (make sure no other files or directories are highlighted when doing so). To recurse to the parent directory double click the ".." item.

To play file(s) and/or directories from the list highlight the items that you want to play and click the "OK" button.

Note: Make sure the ".." is not highlighted when choosing files to play.

Advanced Features

Changing a Genre for a specific Mood

After using eMotion for a while, you will notice that it will begin automatically playing music whenever you choose a certain mood. That is because eMotion logs the genre of music you play for each mood you choose. If you select the same genre a certain amount of times for a specific mood, eMotion will automatically play that genre for that specific mood. However you may wish to play a different genre for that mood.

To change the genre select the "Choose Genre" option from the pull down box at the top of the screen and select the "OK" button adjacent to it. The Genre window will appear and you can choose a new genre to play. eMotion will take note of the change and log the new genre for the current mood that was playing.

Note: A mood must be selected previously for eMotion to log the new genre to a mood. If specific music files were playing or no mood

Changing eMotion Settings

To change eMotion settings, select the "Change eMotion Settings" option from the pull down box at the top of screen and select the "OK" button adjacent to it.

You can choose to have winamp stop or continue playing when eMotion closes by selecting either "Yes" to have winamp close when eMotion closes, or "No" to not have it close. The default is "Yes".

You can also choose the mood threshold. This will determine how many times the same genre must be chosen for a specific mood before eMotion plays it automatically. The default is 5.